Have you ever thought of becoming a cosmetologist? What about a children's dentist? If so, you may be interestested in becoming an esthetician. While the two careers may seem similar, an esthetician provides more indepth care for their clients than a typical cosemtologist.
If you are already a cosmetologist, you can greatly benefit from furthering your education by advancing your education by becoming an esthetician. This does require additional education, but the long term financial improvement are worth the additional education and the time that is taken for continuing education hours each year.
What is an Esthetician?
An esthetician is professsional within the cosmetology field, but focuses more on skin care. Estheticians provide in-depth skin care, such as facial and body treatments that dramatically improve the skin’s appearance.
Typically, an esthetician provides facials, body treatments, and develop skin care regimens that appeal specifically to the client’s skin type and needs.
Education Required to Become an Esthetician
An esthetician is required to hold a license that is issued by the state after completing a state-approved training program, or an associates degree.
An estheician is required to complete regular continuing education classes to stay up to date with with current methods and new skin care treatments that are available.
Esthetician Salary
The average salary for an esthetician is approximately $30,000 per year if they work under someone else’s business license. However, if an esthetician were to open their own business, there are less financial restrictions and the amount of money they can make each year becomes unlimited.
Many esthetician’s who own their own successful businesses make upwards of $60,000 per year. Which is a huge step up from the average cosmetologist.
Financing Your Education
There are many different options for financing your education. Depending on your current financial situation, you may qualify for grants and federal students loans. If you are above the income requirements for federal grants and loans, you may qualify for scholarships or personal loans in order to fund your education.
What Options Do You have as an Esthetician?
An Esthetician can work for an existing spa, or they can open their own spa, which can be either as simple or as expansive as they wish. They can build upon their buisiness later by furthering their education in business or learning to run their buisness on their own. Over time, the business they have built can grow into countless clientel and multiple employees that specialize in various aspects of caring for people, including massage, chemical treatments and more.
Researching your options before beginning your education can dramatically change the outlook of your education and help you to determine what your ultimate goals are.
Once you determine what your ultimate goals are, you will be better able to choose the right college and the right courses to get you where you would like to go in life.
If you plan to open your own business, you may want to add a second focus in business to ensure that you are prepared for the ins and outs of developing your business instead of going in blind.