is the FRCC?
The Fisheries Resource Conservation Council (FRCC)
was created in 1993 to form a partnership between scientific and academic expertise, and
all sectors of the fishing industry. Together, Council members make public recommendations
to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans on such issues as total allowable catches (TACs)
and other conservation measures for the Atlantic fishery. The Council is responsible for
advising the Minister on Canada's position with respect to straddling and transboundary
stocks under the jurisdiction of international bodies such as the Northwest Atlantic
Fisheries Organization (NAFO). The Council also provides advice in the areas of scientific
research and assessment priorities.
The Council consists of 15 members,
appointed by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, with an appropriate balance between
'science' and 'industry'. Members are chosen on merit and standing in the community, and
not as representatives of organizations, areas or interests: 'science' members are drawn
from government departments, universities or international posts, and are of an
appropriate mix of disciplines, including fisheries management and economics; and
'industry' members are knowledgeable of fishing and the fishing industry, and understand
the operational and economic impacts of conservation decisions. Members appointed from DFO
serve 'ex officio'. The four Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, and Nunavut may each nominate a
delegate to the Council.
The Council is supported by a small Secretariat located in Ottawa. The Secretariat
provides administrative support for the functioning of the Council; provides technical
science and fisheries management support; organizes Council meetings; records decisions of
the Council; undertakes a professional communications function for the Council, providing
a central point for communications to and from the Council; and undertakes other matters
as required.