CHAIRMAN Mr. Jean Guy d'Entremont, Lower West Pubnico, Nova Scotia Jean Guy dEntremont was born in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, on March 23, 1961. He currently resides in West Pubnico with his wife and three sons. Jean Guy graduated from St. Anne du Ruisseau High School in 1979 and joined his father, uncle, and three cousins in the fish business. Jean Guy is currently President and part-owner of Inshore Fisheries Ltd, a third generation family fish business. Inshore Fisheries Ltd is a fish harvesting and processing company that employs around 60 people almost all year round. At age 23, Jean Guy skippered an inshore dragger and fished extensively in the Bay of Fundy, Scotian Shelf, and out around Sable Island. He successfully completed his Fishing Masters Class 4 course in 1987. After seven years as skipper, he regained a position on shore to help coordinate the fleet of 5 vessels once the ITQ system was put in place. In 1994, Jean Guy initiated the work to develop the Joint Industry/DFO ITQ groundfish survey that has been ongoing since 1995. Jean Guy was one of the original six fishermen that first sat down to develop a Canadian Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing Operations in which the consensus code was adopted in 1998. In 1998, he was appointed to the Fisheries Resource Conservation Council by the Federal Minister of Fisheries. In 2002, the Minister appointed Jean Guy vice-Chair of the Council. In 2000, Jean Guys peers appointed him Co-Chair of the North Atlantic Responsible Fishing Council Steering Committee. His duties have been co-chairing the 2nd and 3rd North Atlantic Responsible Fishing Conferences; in St. Johns, Newfoundland, in November of 2000, and on June 9-11, 2003 in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. The North Atlantic Responsible Fishing Council Steering Committee has the duty to promote responsible fishing practices across the North Atlantic.
MEMBERSGuy Cormier, Cap-P�l�, New Brunswick Guy Cormier Fisher and environmentalist from Cap Pel�, NB. He was president of the Union of Maritime Fishermen (UMF) from 1981 to 1985 and vice president from 1985-1989. Mr. Cormier is also one of the founding members of the Canadian Council of Professional Fishermen. He is currently president of local 2 of the UMF. Mr. Cormier sits on many councils of which the FRCC is but one. He has also worked with Oxfam Canada, in Nicaragua, teaching local coastal fishermen Canadian techniques. Mr. Cormier was one of the first to openly denounce the poaching within the industry and the pollution of the coastline. He is recognized as a leader among the Maritime fishing community for his interest and devotion to the rights of coastal fishermen and the protection of the resource.
Dr. de Young's research centers on the observation and modeling of physical and biological process in the ocean. Most of his work has been in the Northwest Atlantic with a primary focus on the Newfoundland shelf. He is a coauthor of a comprehensive review and analysis of the state of Canadian marine fisheries in their environmental, biological and socio-economic context. He has worked on understanding living marine organisms from plankton to cod trying to determine their dynamics and dependence on the ocean environment. He has published more than 71 papers and reports.
Mr. Gregory holds a B.Comm from Memorial University of Newfoundland and a Professional Business degree. Mr. Gregory has had a long career in senior management within the fishing industry within Newfoundland. He is currently working as an independent fisheries consultant and has been extensively involved in reviewing and providing advice to industry and government on restructuring the shrimp industry in Newfoundland. Mr. Gregory has been an active member of several Industry Associations and is currently Chair of the Canadian Center for Fisheries Innovation.
Mr. Johnston is President of the PEI Atlantic Shrimp Corporation and has been involved with the Canadian fisheries for over 30 years. Over the years he has represented various levels of governments in the management of aquatic resources. His vast experience also includes participation in the free trade negotiations, the pulp and paper industry and the agricultural sector.
Mr. Maguire is a scientist who is currently a consultant with Halieutikos Inc. He has vast national and international experience in evaluation of fish stocks and stock management. He has also occupied various positions in the science sector of Fisheries and Oceans Canada between 1977 and 1995.
Mr. Pope is a part-time professor at the University of Tromso in Northern Norway. He is considered by the science community as a pioneer in modern fisheries assessments. Mr. Pope is newly retired from a successful career at the Lowestoft Laboratory in England and remains active as a consultant in fisheries matters. He was a member of the Independent Review of the State of the Northern Cod Stock and the Harris Panel as well as a member of the Task Group of Newfoundland Inshore Fisheries.
EX OFFICIO MEMBERSFrom the Department of Fisheries and Oceans: Mr. Barry Rashotte, Director, Resource Allocation Management, Atlantic Mr. Rashotte obtained a BSc (Honours) in Biology from Queen's University in Kingston in 1974. He was hired by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans as a fisheries officer in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, moving after three years as a field officer to Regional Headquarters in Halifax to deal with licensing policy and regulations. He later moved to Ottawa, progressing to his current position.
From the Provincial Governments and Territories: Mr.Carey Bonnell, Nunavut Mr. Bonnell is the territorial representative for Nunavut.
Mr. Dooley has a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Memorial University of Newfoundland.He has worked for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, in the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture for the past thirteen years. He is currently the Director of Resource Policy and has previously held the positions of Resource Policy Supervisor, Resource Development Officer and Project Coordinator within the Department. He is also currently completing a Masters of Marine Studies Degree in Fisheries Resource Management at Memorial Universitys School of Graduate Studies.
Mr. Gaudet is the provincial representative for the province of New Brunswick
Mr. MacEwen is the provincial representative for the province of Prince Edward Island.
Mr. Reardon is a Marine Advisor with the Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture dealing with a wide variety of issues related to the groundfish sector in his home province. His educational background is in biology and environmental management. He has experience in a wide range of fisheries related issues in government and the private sector. Mr. Reardon began his career in the fishing industry in 1977 as a Canadian International Observer, followed by positions in the Invertebrates and Marine Plants and Marine Fish Divisions of DFO. Following his work at DFO, he spent 13 years as a research and development scientist with National Sea Products on a wide range of projects involving new species and product development, resource optimization, improvements in vessels and processing plants, technology transfer, and primary and value added process technology. He worked briefly as a consultant specializing in value added fish products. Then in 1992 he began work as an Aquaculture Development Supervisor,a position he held for seven years before assuming his current duties. |